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Professional Reflection Journal PRJ  - reusable year after year


This KIT is designed to help remove all the stress around creating your Teaching Portfolio and learn how to document your professional growth as a teacher against the AITSL standards.


As a beginning teacher I was unsure of how to create a portfolio and evidence my growth as a teacher. Over the years I created, what I now call PRJ which is a template I would print out and use during my teaching week to record notes on my professional development (PD).


During my time as a mentor, I would support teachers in creating their own PJR and to help more new teachers I have put together this GUIDE which is 43 pages long with step by step insturctions (like I am right beside you) and easy to use templates to further support you, to create your own teaching portfolio and use a professional reflection journal (PRJ).


Now it is a complete kit to help beginning teachers feel confident when they start to document and evidence their growth as a teacher + join our beginning teachers lounge where you can ask for further support!


This Kit includes:

  • Step by Step Guide 43 pages (pdf)
  • 2 page editable PRJ template - word doc
  • 2 page PRJ blank template - PDF
  • BONUS powerpoint template editable template
  • BONUS sample powerpoint portfolio
  • BONUS training course

VALUED @ $155 and will take away the stress around documenting your growth as a teacher!

Professional Development Kit

AU$55.00 Regular Price
AU$45.00Sale Price
  • Downloadable digital file.

    Ensure you have the correct software to open and use PDFs, word documents, powerpoint.

  • Evidence your growth as a teacher can be time consuming and stressul in your early years. As a mentor, I use to help hundreds of new teachers navigate this area using my simple template in face to face sessions.


    I was approached by a Sydney University Lecturer, to publish it into a KIT for gradate and beginning teachers around Australia, so here it is in a KIT complete with guide, examples to AITSL standards and templates.


    Everything you need to create a brilliant teacher portfolio & get the edge!

Teaching Kits + Resources

Teacher Mentoring with Rachel  © 2021 Boost Education

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