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This is my most popular teacher resource called the: 

TEACHERS TOOL KIT  which includes training videos on how to implement  / use as a teacher to ensure you are feeling confident and competent.

Updated for 2024 - CURRENTLY ON SALE


NOW over 150 items and still growing... CLICK HERE to take a look inside the Kit and sample some training videos that come with the Kit.

You will find digital planners, checklists, documents, planners, rubric, overviews and templates for almost everything for your teacher life (pre-service + in your first 5 years of teaching).

37 pages of checklists (free download)

Complete Preparation for Starting School

Professional Development 

Planning Lessons

Planning Units Of Work 

Curriculum Tools 

Assessment + Reporting  Templates

Evidence Documentation

Weekly Planners + Overviews (EYLF, Primary + Secondary)

Group Rotation templates (weekly)

PLP/ILP/IEP Templates

Subject Overviews / Term Planners

Behaviour Managment Organiser

Mindset Planner

Wellness Kit (burnout prevention)


New updates include brain dump planning tool kit, term organisers, running record kit, parent organiser for Rotations, task elaboration, standard elaborations and new training videos coming!


Over 100 items to download and edit as you wish... files vary and in PowerPoint, PNG and/or PDF.


Being a teacher for over 20 years, I have been able to master different areas by creating many different planning documents and tools. When I was planning my mentoring sessions, I started making this kit to work through in our sessions, to support teachers feel more organised in areas like planning, assessing, behaviour management, parent communication etc....


Now it is available for everyone and I am publishing training videos to go with the kit and eventally put it in an online course for teachers to access anytime, anywhere.


CLICK HERE to take a look inside the Kit and sample some training videos that come with the Kit. 

Teachers Tool Kit for Beginning Teachers

AU$159.00 Regular Price
AU$57.00Sale Price
  • This is a digital product that you access and download after you purchase.

    You also purchase 1 x license for teacher use only - no sharing is permitted.

    Powerpoint and PDF in the download. Unzip folder and open the file which has multiple folders + training link.

  • This is the most popular resource and JUST UPDATED

    Over 150+ Teacher Planning Documents & Tools to help you feel confident and organised as a beginning teacher. The feedback has been tremendous and I love hearing how it has saved new teachers hours and hours of time!!!

    Includes training videos to implement and provide you with the support to use the tools & feel free to adjust that as you grow more confidence in your teacher life!

    This is a GROWING BUNDLE so if you purchase now, you still get access to any future documents I create and add. Just downlaod the file again.

Teaching Kits + Resources

Teacher Mentoring with Rachel  © 2021 Boost Education

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Teacher Tool-Kit 
Professional Development  
Behaviour Management 
Individual Learning Plan KIT


Teacher Mentoring with RachelMAC  © 2022 Boost Education

| website designed by Rachel Mac | 

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